Do Not Hide Your Voice

For the past few days, I’ve been pensive. Really pensive. There’s no single peculiar thing that has been on my mind, but a collection of thoughts. I have spent huge chunks of time reflecting on my past experiences. Some of the feelings I have had to relive, I must confess, have proven to be really sour. There’s been others, however, which have rekindled the spark I had a child! Yes!

Come with me to 2010. In that year, I was a rather withdrawn, young boy with not-so-many friends nor childhood fantasies. My family was in dire straits, but that’s not even the point. I remember vividly, how that, from that point onward, my Dad made a resolute stand to keep us disconnected from the reality of the troubling times we struggled to survive. He would rather have us channel our energies toward our books. “That is not necessary. Channel your energies to your books.” I can vividly hear him in my head even now. That was his ideal way of resolving all conflicts that arose among kids in the house. He was so bent on getting us to succeed at our education, and that seemed to be all that mattered to him in that season. He’d wake me up at 2am with His, now ritualistic, chant “Up, up, up, up.” And at the sound of that, no matter where I was in my sleep, I’d have no option.

As I reminisced, my thoughts seemed to be dominated by my Dad’s constant actions towards making me more expressive. Till date, whenever I visit, I still hear him say “Express Yourself” to my siblings, just as he would tell me. I remember how, at 12 years he encouraged me on end to take up a community service initiative he had named EDWINO’s Junior Achievement Centre; it was to be a weekly Sunday afternoon meeting to impart the knowledge I was gaining to other kids in the community. I also have vivid memories of how he would constantly point out to me how fantastic it would be for me to write a book to impart knowledge to others. That started when I turned 15. I remember how he introduced a Latinate slogan that still runs in our home: “Vere Possumus.” In English, it means “Yes We Can.” I still recall how we conjugated that at a table, and how it became a family greeting.

My Dad is by far the most inspirational figure in my life. No man on earth has impacted nor shaped my life as much as he has, not because he gave birth to me; but because, perhaps, he decided to. Over the years, His attempts to get me to believe in myself have yielded much fruit. I know that. And I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am to have such an amazing father. Thinking on all these experiences rekindled that childhood spark he lit in me. I am convinced that all his actions were geared towards getting his son to believe in himself.


Today, as you read this post, I want to encourage you to do just that. Believe in yourself.  Believe, even without a father in the person of mine, that you can achieve your dreams. Believe that you have whatever it takes to achieve your life’s purpose. Vere Possa! Yes, you can!

You Are Full of Potential

“Only a mediocre person is always at his best.” -Somerset Maugham

The word ‘Potential’ is from late Latin potentialis, from potentia ‘power’, from potent- ‘being able. It speaks of ability and power; reserved power; capped capabilities; latent power; dormant abilities. Your potential is your future. Your potential, in the words of Dr. Myles Munroe, is

“what you can do that you haven’t yet done. Where you can go that you haven’t yet gone… who you can be that you haven’t yet been… what you can imagine that you haven’t yet imagined… how far you can reach that you haven’t yet reached… what you can see that you haven’t yet seen… what you can accomplish that you haven’t yet accomplished…. Potential is the sum of who you are that you have yet to reveal.”

 This unstoppable, reserved power, is capped at the core of your frame, and it manifests in your abilities.

Do Not Hide Your Voice

“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.” – Abraham Maslow

“The real tragedy is the tragedy of the man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort, who never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature.” – Arnold Bennett

Today, many find it deadly to be authentic, but really, success lies in authenticity. Your authenticity is your difference from others, and there lies your success.  As, Dr. Mike Murdock said, “Your Significance is not in your similarity to another, but in your point of difference from another.”

Your voice is your identity. Your identity is your unique selling proposition. It’s what makes you authentic. No man would achieve his purpose who is not willing to be authentic. To be authentic is to manifest the powers latent within you. The world truly needs you to tap into the power that lies within you; it is your best bet to making the world a better place.

“God’s gift to us: potential. Our gift to God developing it. – Author unknown

Many have come to the earth and left without taking any steps towards releasing their potential. That should not be your story. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to live a fulfilled life. You must be willing to access your current state, and ask yourself critical questions about where your strengths lie. To successfully fulfil purpose would require you to develop your potential. Like muscles, your potentials need exercise to develop.  You must choose to go the extra mile in everything you’re currently working on. As aptly asserted by John C. Maxwell, “Nobody admires average. The best organizations don’t pay for average. Mediocrity is not worth shooting for.”

Before You Go…

“Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you could be.” – John C. Maxwell

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Elliot

Looking back on the last five years, I can see that much of the progress I’ve made has resulted from multiple decisions to stretch myself farther in the different areas of my life. No man would achieve his purpose who is not willing to stretch himself beyond his current abilities. Surely, it will take you out of your comfort zone, and that is where all success begins. You must develop the courage to do things you’ve never done before. You must let go of low standards and limiting beliefs. You must leave behind what feels familiar, safe, and secure. You must be willing to think deeper than you ever have; to reach out to more people; to sit for longer hours than usual; to try many more times and never stop; to develop a passion for learning;  to become more observant; to pay more attention to detail. You will be required to create changes in your relationships. You will be required to become more resilient; to create an environment that pushes you upward. That is the price you pay for authenticity. That is what it takes to exploit your potential.

It’s never too late to turn things around in your life. In this season of quarantine, make it a goal to come out more self-aware. Take an inventory of all your abilities, and consider how you could bless your world.



4/30 How will you be remembered?

How will you be remembered?

This is a question that deserves your full attention. At age 14, when I first checked up epitaph from the Dictionary, I wrote a statement in my diary:

“I want this epitaph written of me: a courageous man he really was, he died learning.”

It’s amazing how this statement motivated me to become the life-long learner I am now. Subsequently, when I enrolled in college, I developed a Personal Growth Statement. My Personal Growth Statement has seen great evolution over the years – and it surely will keep evolving.

Today, my Profile Summary reads:

“I am a Lifelong learner, Steward Leader, Graphic Designer, Blogger, Photographer, and Speaker. Academically, I am staunch Environmental Sustainability professional with a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree in Environmental Science from KNUST. Through my unstoppable passion for learning and self-improvement, I have developed proficient skills in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Excel.”

Developing a Personal Growth Statement puts you in a state of achievement. For me, it is my source of zeal. It propels me to fight for excellence in each of these areas. It was Carl Newport who once asserted: “until you’re good enough, you don’t have leverage.” I totally agree with him!

Read More

3/30 The Law of Responsibility

Great! It’s Day 3 of our #30BloggingChallenge! You are gradually drawing closer to the best of your life. No doubt about that!

In today’s post, we discuss the subject of Responsibility. I believe this is the single most important thing that moved me from a state of normalcy into a realm of exponential growth. Until I was exposed to the relevance of Personal Responsibility, I unconsciously lived life waiting for things to happen to me – and they did. The saddest part is I was almost always not happy about my experiences. Pathetic! Your life, however, after you’ve read this, should under no circumstance be left to happenstance. When you do, you stifle the powers within you that would otherwise make you great. There is no question that your greatness is linked to your personal responsibility. In Personal Responsibility, you take ownership of yourself.

Taking responsibility for your life is about accepting that you are responsible for where you are and that you are the only person who can do what it takes to get you out of where you are. When you accept the premise that there is nothing you can do about your plight in life, you become chained to the life you have. Your future is controlled by you and you alone, regardless of the shifting winds of change that are blowing all around you and regardless of what any other entity is doing.

Whether you ‘d be remembered long after you’re gone – for good or bad – has everything to do with your ability to take ownership or yourself!

If you are like most people, you surely have numerous “reasons” why you cannot be successful and influence your world. You might be thinking, Edwino, you have no idea what I’ve been through. You won’t understand. Well, my goal is not to understand your “reasons.” I only aim to help you remove those limits from your life; to help you reach your potential and fulfill your purpose. But truly, I can only help you that far if you alter what you’re thinking right now. See how you can do that here.

Before you go…

Make the rest of your life, the best of your life! Check out this insightfully lengthy post on Responsibility, published here on The Reality Hub.

2/30 What about this statement?

Today’s blog post is relatively short! Shorter, I should say!

I took this inspiration from a conversation with my Pastor tonight. I really am grateful to God for my Pastor’s life. Through his counsel and interest in my life, my self-awareness has been heightened quite immeasurably within the past 6 years.

Today, in a conversation about a critical issue in my life, he looked at me intently and said “The success of a vision is 100% dependent on the Visionary.” Quite simple, huh!? Well, not to me. I’ve been pensive since I left the meeting.

“The success of a vision is 100% dependent on the visionary.”
– Rev. David Adu-Gyamfi

I’m left here with my diary, and I am asking myself different questions. A lot of them.

What does this statement mean to you? Let’s discuss in the comments.

1/30 What do you think of yourself?

It’s Day 1 of our Win from Within series here on The Reality Hub, and I’m thankful you’re reading this. This is the beginning of a journey you’d always refer to as life-defining.

Today’s post is meant to give you a headstart into the rest of your life. I am confident that you are surely on the highway to your next level of success and influence!

What Do You Think of Yourself?

“We all will act consistently with our views of who we truly are, whether that view is accurate or not.”Tony Robbins

What would it look like if your life turns out as you wish? It’ll be beautiful, wouldn’t it? Of course! But the sad truth most people need to understand is this: Wishes don’t win, actions do! Every time! But truly, your actions are greatly influenced by one subtle but powerful entity – your thoughts.

Who am I? Am I good enough? Do people like me? Am I the right person for this? Can I do that? How will I appear? What would others think of me? Am I ready enough? Do I qualify? Will it ever happen? Life-defining questions! Throughout your life, most of your answers to these questions will be to yourself. And that is where the danger is; over time, these answers get deeply ingrained into your subconscious, and thus become a hardened part of your being. They form the foundation of your self-belief. Subsequently, all your experiences – events, happenings, and encounters with people – will only affirm what you think of yourself. Thus, your interpretation of these events will always be in the direction of your self-belief.

What you think of yourself greatly affects what you think of, and how you see, your world. In the words of John C. Maxwell, “how you see yourself determines how you see others.” Your perception of yourself – which stems from your thought life – is the determining factor of your actions and inaction. It decides your relationships with others, and your responses to situations, and even affects how you interpret situations. What you think of yourself goes a long way to decide whether or not you’ll even pursue your life’s purpose, or forfeit it for a lesser life.


“I think, therefore I am.”Rene Descartes

“Your ability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon the identity you have of yourself.”Tony Robbins

What you consider possible or impossible are rarely dependent on your capabilities, but a large function of what you think of yourself. For example, if you feel certain that you are an outgoing, outrageous person, you’ll tap the resources of behavior that match your identity. Whether you see yourself as a “loser” or a “winner,” will instantly shape which capabilities you access. To be self-aware is to be knowledgeable of who you really are. It’s the knowledge of your true self, minus all your wishes, ambitions, and clouded judgement. To be self-aware is to be well-informed of your ideal value as an individual; to be well-informed of what makes you, you. To be self-aware is to believe that you have something within you that can bless future generations. It is believing and knowing that you have everything you need to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Self-awareness is about

  1. Recognizing your Value

You are extraordinary. There is no one like you. You are the only you that was ever created.

  1. Recognizing and releasing your potential

You were created to solve a problem no one else can, and that is your potential. As such, you have been endowed with characteristics which will enhance your achievement of this task. In the words of Dr. Myles Munroe,

No man is born to live or die unto himself. God gave you the wealth of your potential – your abilities, gifts, talents, energies, creativity, ideas, aspirations, and desires – for the blessing of future generations. You bear the responsibility to activate, release, and deposit them. The next generation needs the treasures of your potential. Think of the many inventions, books, songs, works of art, and great accomplishments others in past generations have left for you. Even as their treasures have become your blessings, so your treasures must become your children’s unborn children’s blessings. Deliver your potential to inspire the children of our world to release theirs.

To be self-aware is to believe that you are capable of much more than you have already done.

  1. Recognizing what’s holding you back

One true mark of our humanity is limitation. We all possess limitations. There are some which you need to accept. You have no control over your place of birth, birth characteristics, or your year of birth. Also, no one has any control over how his life begins. Whiles some limitations are fixed, there are others we can alter, and yet others you have full control over. You have full control over the thoughts you think, the decisions you make, the actions you take, and your interpretation of situations. You are not limited by your experiences as much as you are by your interpretation of those experiences. What’s holding you back is really what you think of yourself. As aptly asserted by Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re probably right.”

  1. Believing in yourself

I believe in You. And I want you to succeed. I want you to thrive in success and influence. Nevertheless, much can’t be done if you don’t believe in yourself, too. Self-belief is indispensable in the success equation. To be successful, You must believe in yourself. Regardless of what the past has presented to you, you have the chance to rewrite your story. I hope you write a good one.

It’ll take time. Don’t give up.

Self-awareness takes time. Yet, it is a journey worth taking – it will form the foundation for your greatness. Over the years, my experiences have exposed to me what great orator I could become. However, even my mum would have failed to believe it if she was told about this ten years ago. My mum expressed her utter surprise when she had news of my decision to run political campaigns in college. She actually recalled to the family, how secluded and quiet I was even at age 12.

Growing up, however, I was privileged to be engaged in certain public gatherings which heightened my confidence. To mention a few, I represented my primary school at a quiz competition, I was chosen as master of ceremony for a Talented Kids event; my Dad also pushed me out of those limiting shells when he tasked me to be leading family meetings and events as first born. All these are experiences which have taken well over a decade to push me this high.

Before you go…

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. – Thomas Edison.

Be intentional about self-awareness. Be conscious of your actions and reactions from today. Don’t just go through life; grow through life. Expose yourself to different experiences and people. Observe your responses to the different experiences. Take note of them.

Make the rest of your life the best of your life! Make a commitment to embark on the journey of self-awareness today. Your redefinition just began!


372 days! Wow! That’s exactly how long it’s been since my last post on The Reality Hub. I’ve had several, varied experiences within this period, for which I am so thankful; I’ve successfully undertaken and defended a Research Thesis in College, and subsequently obtained an excellent BSc. Degree in Environmental Science from KNUST. Also, my design firm, Reality Express, has delivered value-added services to more clients than we did in 2018. Best of all, I’m super excited to announce my 2nd business startup, The Fountain of Knowledge Educational Services! It’s where I create personalized educational experiences for students aged 7 – 17, and I love that I get to impart the community in a positive way through my students.

Needless to say, it’s not been a cozy experience within the past year, but I have always encouraged myself with this assertion: “It’s not about me.” I am convinced more now than ever that my life is connected to more people than my contact book can hold. I feel the deep need to connect with my world on a greater level in fulfillment of my life’s Purpose, which is exactly why I am taking the 30-Day Blogging Challenge this September.

In this challenge, right here on The Reality Hub, I’d host the Win from Within series, publishing a post every single day; my goal is to help you gain a better perspective of how your inner world affects your life. It’s my objective, as you read and follow the actionable points, that you experience a redefinition of what success means to you. Most often than not, we tend to think of success as the accrual of wealth; we measure our success by our place on the societal ladder, when those are merely outcomes of the real success process. To some, success is meant for the ‘have-it-alls’, which is partly what makes success seem unattainable to them. In this month, nevertheless, we carefully and rationally redefine success.

Success is an inside job. It’s the result of a consistent commitment to personal growth. Without growth, there is no question that success is unattainable. Success in itself, therefore, is not to be pursued. It is to be attracted by the person we become. It is about equipping yourself for achievement. Greater levels of influence, in the same way, only respond to congruently higher levels of growth.

Stay connected this September! Invite your friends, too! It’s the Win from Within series on The Reality Hub! Success is certain!

12 Unforgettable Lessons from my 18th Year


Today, unending thoughts of God’s faithfulness kindle in me irrepressible, life-giving smiles.

The past year was a certainly great one – the most thrilling of all time; so much courage; so much loyalty; so much Wisdom; Greatness everywhere!

I am grateful for the new, completely necessary relationships, and for the undaunted loyalty of them all that have believed in me and still do; together, we soar to Greatness!

In today’s post I outline 12 remarkable lessons I’ve learnt from the passing year, and how these lessons could change your life, too.

1. Rejection is a Door—not a wall.

Over the years I’ve had innumerable experiences I battle myself not to recall – but they are in no way comparable to the rejections I had this year, especially as it came from the least expected people. If you wondered why this would be number one, there’s that.

Strange feelings of betrayal and wrecked trust have run through my mind and body, leaving me emotional wounds of rejection. You probably may have had this experience; it’s simply disheartening to see those you cherish or may have invested in, take you through such disgusting treats.

I have come to a dismaying conclusion, however, that rejection is a part of life. We are not created for all things, and so long as we follow our curiosity, rejection will always be a part of our lives.

Being rejected could be pitifully belittling; it could endanger your self-confidence, tearing you apart on the inside. Nevertheless, it is paramount, in times when we feel rejected, that we keep situations under perspective –being rejected does not affect your personality in any way.

Your decisions about what things mean to you defines how you feel about them, and subsequently, how you react –and every reaction obviously has a consequence too!

Do not hold yourself down. Walk out of that door. And rather than listening to yourself, talk to yourself –there are bigger and better opportunities ahead of you. There really are.

Never forget: “…all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good…”

2. Your Decisions are deciding your future.

More than anything, I believe that the outcome of our lives are the direct results of our decisions. In the same way, the quality of our decisions clarifies the quality of our lives.

I made a concluding decision in July 2017 to contest in a Campus Election; and this decision, as anticipated, decided my life’s events in that season. Its effects have been apparent since September 2017, and till this day, I live with sturdy memories from the experience.

In that season, my decision decided what activities mattered to me; what priorities I responded to; what schedule I obeyed; the kind of relationships I nurtured; and even the friends I spent my time with.  How life-changing that decision was!

By reason of our choices, we can create the future we want. It is crucial therefore, that we consciously and meticulously decide what we really want in our lives.

Regardless of those things in your life you cannot control (your family history, your genetic makeup, the economy), you will always have control over three important things. You have control over the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.

Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. Now YOU are the leader of your life... Take ownership of yourself.

3. Self-improvement is a sure-fire way to make impact in every chosen field.

One day, a couple of months ago, I was engaged in a short conversation that has changed my outlook on life. Hubert, my younger brother, asked me a question: “What advice would you give a younger you?”

I have actually been meditative of the answer I gave; perhaps it’s really what I meant to say. Almost immediately, I answered softly, nodding on end, as I gazed intently into his relatively small eyes: “Invest in yourself.”

I have come to an explicit understanding: Success in all specialities of life has everything to do with bringing yourself to a point where you can deliver perfectly well what is expected; success is attracted by the person we become, thus.

You really want to be successful at what you do? Enhance your skills.

I hold yet another definite view that self-improvement is not selfishness. On the contrary, it is a sure-fire way to make impact in your world – the very route of selflessness. Think about that. As a writer, I am able to impact my readers when I communicate excellently the thoughts I intend to put across. How do I accomplish this goal? By improving my communication skills and honing my writing prowess, you bet!

Over the last year, I have developed a habit of listening to podcasts from Success Coaches and other relatively helpful sources every day. In few minutes, I could listen to a life-changing Talk, History, or even a summary of an entire book, adding more value to myself in that regard.

Increase your knowledge. Do something daily to draw you closer to your goals. You’ll be more significant.

4. Goal-setting is a great way to make noticeable progress in every area of your life.

As you may have already experienced, setting goals gets you enthused, altering your performance and releasing to you unbridled passion about your life.

Goal-setting psychologically brings your whole mind and body into a frame of “I must achieve that!” and so you find yourself more productive each day.

This really works. Every day I ask myself a simple question: “What one thing would I want to achieve by close of the day?” Sometimes I realize I want to achieve more than one goal within the day. In such situations, I prioritize: “Which of these listed goals would I want to achieve if I could do only one thing today?” That becomes my major goal then, upon which I focus my energies, harnessing my resources for optimum achievement.

Binding my life to goals has increased my productivity in several respects.

Set daily goals; set weekly goals; monthly goals; and annual goals too. ‘Smaller’ goals help you to focus on bigger goals. For instance, if your goal is to read a 400 page book in a month, you would need daily goals; say reading 13 pages a day. Not only do smaller goals keep you focused, they also help to track your progress towards your bigger goals.

Recently I set an outrageous goal. As a way of refining my writing skill, I planned to read Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist in a week. I wanted to push myself a little further, but I realized that my work activities in a day would not ideally favor me in the realization of this goal, and so I dropped it. I set a different goal. My point? Be realistic in your goal-setting process. Demanding too much of yourself will only serve to demotivate you when you do not hit the mark.

Set SMART goals. And do act upon them.

“Goals. There is no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”

5. Managing your Life is all about managing your Day

At age 10, my Dad introduced to me what he called the ‘Personal Executive Development (PED).’ This, honestly, was an unparalleled system by which I could live a more focused, youthful life, making the most out of my time. As I grew up, however, due to what he would describe as “youthful exuberance and fanatic religious beliefs,” I dropped it. That was unfortunate, certainly, but I had yet to realize in the past year that life is not mystical, but practical, and therefore should be given a practical approach. I will forever be thankful for this wisdom.

As part of my Dad’s PED, there was a special framework for time management – a system wherein I decided what to do with each hour of my life. Today, I have gone back to it, and it’s become a habit now.

What would I be doing within the next 24 hours? What would I want to be doing tomorrow at 7am? At 11am? At 4pm? I do this every evening just before I go to bed, effectively shaping my experiences for the following day.

It’s awful how unproductive I become when I do not plan my day. Walking through an unplanned day will only end you up taking on other people’s goals—perhaps you can be of great help to them.

At every hour, you should know what you’ll be doing in the next hour. This way, you gain a sense of direction and ownership of your life.

6. Recognize the role of others in your life.

Today, as a culture, most people only realize the need to build stronger relationships only when they start benefiting from them. But think about this: If you unquestionably knew your relationships would, in the long run, be of instrumental help in achieving your goals, what would you rather be doing now? I bet you know it all already. And so it’s time to act.

Throughout a man’s life, there will be countless times when all he really needs is a relationship. It’s what is popularly known in today’s world as “connection.” I recall a scene, about two months ago in College, when my course mates requested that I help them find internship slots in a particular institution. Why? I had been there the previous year, and so they knew I would have some sort of “connection.” And at a phone call, I did connect them. It is wisdom to build bridges, other than burning them.

My mentor taught a lesson that would remain with me forever:

“Always close doors gently. Do not slam doors. Do not kick Doors. Do not yell at Doors. They are Doors through which you may need to return again in the future. The attitude of your exit determines if you can ever walk back through that Door again.”

Having known this wisdom, I am trying my best to keep peaceful relationships, even with them that left deep wounds of rejection on me in the past year.

7. Questionings reveal our true identities.

JULY 2017: Takoradi, Ghana.

Waking up one morning, I sat on the edge of a plastic chair, leaning towards my study table; I bowed my head, resting it upon my clenched fists. Thoughts flipped through my mind on end: Who am I? And what am I really here for? Is there a place for me? If there is nothing new under the sun, do I have any spectacular achievement to make here on earth? Am I here just to walk the path of the lot and leave when I can live no more?

Those were the times I spent mostly in solitude. I was looking for answers, and till this day, I am on that journey – of discovering my genuine self.

You are special, there is none like you on the face of the Earth; but who are you, really?

Know thyself. More than anything, I believe self-discovery is the greatest discovery a man could ever make. By divine wisdom, we were all created for specific assignments. And our very beings–our likes and dislikes, pleasures and pains—were fabricated in the light of those assignments. Discovering yourself is about asking questions that engage your inner being to reveal your true identity.

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”
– Lao Tzu

Let’s journey on to Purpose! Let’s put in the strength to discover our individual, obligatory Assignments. We’ll make the world a better place; and, in the end, it will be worth it all.

8. Practice Solitude & Journaling

These two proven practices have greatly improved my self-awareness. Life teaches invaluable lessons in every season—both the good and bad times hold, for our deliverance and promotion, priceless wisdom keys—and this is exactly why it is imperative that we Journal. When we do, we deliberately put down those lessons we learn from our day-to-day lives.

Keeping a journal may seem odd, but I bet it’s really worth the effort – keeping a journal has afforded me a reliable platform to reflect on my feelings, process important ideas, and capture life events that I don’t want to lose. Journaling, I have found peculiar solutions to some major challenges. What’s more, noting down my daily experiences has helped me improve my writing skill.

Spending quality time in seclusion is as well one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Over the year, I developed a habit of spending hours of my week, alone, away from my regular view. During these defining moments of serenity, which I rarely spend without my journal, I engage sound, reflective thoughts. Sometimes, though, I just sit still scribbling or doodling.

It’s the time you get to receive inspired ideas and creative solutions to problems; also, you get to ponder over situations and put them in the right perspective—sometimes perspective is all you need.

9. Take Risks

I reminisce a conversation with my Mum over a year ago, where she expressed how surprised and elated she was at once when I informed her about my appointment as Public Relations Officer of the Science Students’ Association. She gave me a history, as usual, of how self-contained and introverted I was as a kid; she just couldn’t believe that I was really going in for this.  I simply smiled all the while.

Few months before, I had read Dr. Carson’s Take the risk, and that challenged my perception of risks, after which I wrote an article about Taking risks.

Taking risks is beyond a doubt the greatest way by which I have built my confidence. Through this process, I have risen above ingrained, self-preservative attitudes which were really a big hindrance to my personal growth.

I’d say that contesting for Presidency of the Science Students’ Association in College is the biggest risk I took in the past year.  Whiles this sky-high risk demanded a lot from me, the invaluable lessons I learnt during the course of the electoral process will remain with me forever – ‘SCISA’ is a bundle of lessons that will never leave me.  I should express my profound gratitude to #TeamSCISA, for the fearless support.

Risk your life, special friend. Maybe you will win, or maybe not. Whichever way, you’ll be better off.

I bet the pain of an unsuccessful risk is in no way measurable to the pain of regret.

As the Chinese proverb says “Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.”

 10. Accept yourself for who you are.

This might seem inconsistent with #3, but there’s a point here.

Growing up, I had mates and friends who would laugh and make a mockery of almost everything. And until age 14, I lived with a decade-old, limiting self-worth.

I learnt a lesson, however, that “until a man accepts his individuality and genuineness, he remains bound by the delusion of being defined by his weaknesses.” That was my deliverance.

You are not your weaknesses. Unlike the ignoramus who’d hold himself down for everything he considers a weak point, you should rather focus more on your strengths. By divine intention, your strengths can propel you to heights you’ve never imagined.

Having related with thousands of people in the past year, I have learnt that A man’s strengths are what make him an individual. Your strengths distinguish you from the lot, delivering to you what you need for your glorious Assignment.

Let’s undertake this self-help activity: Think critically and make a list of all your strengths—the qualities you accept to be your strengths, the qualities people praise you for. And from today, purposely focus on your strengths. Three times daily, spend five-minute sessions talking to yourself about your strengths. Just give less attention to your weaknesses, and watch yourself soar into a more grateful being.

11. Give Back.

Until recently, I had always thought that giving had to do with Money. Today, however, such as I have do I give; I give knowledge; I give counsel; I give my Love. What’s more, I give my time.

At age 13, my Dad discussed with me his plan for me to start what would have been known as “Edwino’s Junior Achievement Center.” He had planned that I gather kids between 8 and 12 in the community, and impart to them what I had learnt over the years. Regretfully, I was too young to understand; I was too young, perhaps, to understand that His belief in me could catapult me to a place of greater influence!

From teaching the kids at my Dad’s School, to picking up Mentees in college, giving back has helped me discover a lot about myself; I really would not be the person I am today if I had resisted such honorable opportunities of making impact in the lives of others.

“Success is when I add value to myself; significance is when I add value to others.” 
– John C. Maxwell

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

12. Be grateful for all things.

During one of my journaling sessions, I was set into thinking. My eyes were opened to a whole new dimension of the indispensable role my Dad plays in my life. Just then, I sent him a text message appreciating His investment in my life. I’m forever grateful I did.

God sends into our lives personified Graces and blessings which in effect, aid us to achieve our Assignments here on earth; but it’s sad how we often do not recognize them.

Many times, I sit back and analyze how my life has been and the only thing I’m able to do is smile and express how grateful I am. If a man is grateful, it will show in his words; if a man is grateful, it will be evident in his reaction; if a man is grateful, it will be marked by his ensuing attitude.

Be Grateful to God! Be grateful to everyone around you—you’re either learning from them, or they’re a platform for practicing your wisdom.

And as you may already know, gratitude opens doors for more favors.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present, and not giving it.
William Arthur Ward

Before you go…

Make the rest of your life the best of your life!

This New Year will be bigger, greater and better, as we will be discussing some pertinent subjects in the areas of lifelong learning, self-improvement, and Society.

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