The Power of Hope

It was almost 8pm on Campus KNUST last Thursday. I sat there on an armless chair in the Print shop, resting my tired body on the back, as I waited to have my work printed. I was with a colleague, who sat right beside me. He leaned slightly towards me and whispered, “Edwino, do you think there’s hope for Africa?”
“Of course, there is!” I exclaimed, nodding and smiling, with my tone and demeanor depicting that I was really surprised he’d ask this question.
“Hmmh???” he continued, “Then I think that Hope is making people lazy. They say they have hope and so they sit back and expect things to happen all by magic.”
This has got me thinking for the past few days: “What is Hope?”

The meaning of Hope should not be twisted. No. It should not.
Hope, as a verb, means to want something to happen or be the case.
Synonymous to ‘hope’ are the words ‘expect, anticipate, look for…’

As a Culture, we deeply admire and publicly applaud acts of heroism and lives of success, but what we rarely consider is that Success is linked to Action.
We all love to hear the words success, profit, and increase. But none of these come about only by hoping for them.
Unfortunately, too many people fail to grasp this reality and end up living their lives upside down.

Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. – Francis Bacon

Hope should by no means be a reason for our inactivity.
Hope should afford us enough courage to pursue our plans.
Hope should empower us to persist, come what may.
Hope, on all occasions, should motivate us and not demoralize us.
Hope for the best should inspire us to take deliberate steps towards the fulfillment of our goals.

As Ray Bradbury, American author and screenwriter aptly summarized “Action is hope, there is no hope without action.”

Stay motivated. Do something daily to move your dreams forward.

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