These 15 Websites Will Make You Incredibly Smarter!

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”  — Albert Einstein

Learning should not end after formal education. Lifelong learning, the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge can enrich your understanding of different topics and make you a better person every day. Your career, personal life, and total well-being will never be the same if you can commit to some of these awesome resources.

1/ BBC — Future — In-depth coverage of science, health and technology

2/ 5-minute Drops : Learn a new language for no more than 5 minutes per day.

3/ Makezine : DIY projects, how-Tos, electronics, crafts and ideas for makers.

4/ Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody’s favorite subject: Ourselves.

5/ The School of Life : A place that tries to answer the great questions of life with the help of culture.

6/  : Modern “How To” guides.

7/ InstaNerd  : Be smart, instantly.

8/ Degreed : A lifelong learning platform.

9/ Lrn : Learn to code at your convenience.

10/ Flowkey : The easiest way to learn piano.

11/ Big Think  : Articles and videos featuring expert “Big Thinkers.”

12/ Youtube EDU  — The education videos that unlock knowledge.

13/ The long read (The Guardian)                             —  In-depth reporting, essays and profiles.

14/ TED Ideas  — Insightful essays on creativity, ideas and global issues.

15/ Quora  — You ask, the net discusses — with top experts and fascinating back and forth on everything.

Face Reality!


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  3. Affum Ebenezer · April 26, 2020

    Wow, very informative, thanks and God bless you


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